HCS-Voice-Attacktools hilfreich

Anne Bonny
Beiträge: 12
Registriert: So 11. Sep 2022, 12:31
Hat sich bedankt: 24 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 16 Mal

HCS-Voice-Attacktools hilfreich


Moin, ich nutze schon länger die HCS-Voicepacks zur Steuerung und Unterstützung beim Fliegen/ landen...etc.
Grad ne Mail bekommen mit super Angeboten: 2 für 1 und mehr...

MEGADOUBLESALE - This does NOT hapen often! Make the most of it folks, as we'll be ending this sale pretty quickly - Enjoy :)

Step right into the most mesmerizing shopping gala of the year! Introducing our MEGASALEDOUBLE event, where the bargains are doubly delightful and the surprises don’t stop!

💡 Here's the grand tour:

⚠️ Keep Your Eyes Peeled: The MEGADOUBLE charm is like a bolt from the blue. You’ll only see if you’ve been touched by this magic once you're at the cart. If fate favors, you'll see a gleaming "MEGADOUBLEDISCOUNT" tag alongside your product.

🎮 Game on! While you're scooping up deals, don't forget to explore our Baldur's Gate 3 pack. It’s a mesmerizing experience you don’t want to miss. Plus, here's a little teaser: Stay tuned for our Starfield voice pack showcase. We promise it's going to be a spectacle, and you'll be able to dive into it very soon!

Why all this fanfare? Because we cherish our community. We're all about amplifying your experience, and what better way than with incredible deals and unmatched voice packs?

Jump in, indulge, and make the most of these celestial deals while they last!
To infinity and beyond,
The HCS Voicepacks Team 🚀🌌

P.S. Share your MEGASALEDOUBLE adventures and your thoughts on our game packs using #MEGASALEDOUBLEHCS. We're all ears (and eyes) for your feedback and unboxings!

Link dazu:

https://hcsvoicepacks.us9.list-manage.c ... 41aa5e105f

see you in the black :rave:
image.png (97.92 KiB) 334 mal betrachtet
Anne Bonny
Beiträge: 12
Registriert: So 11. Sep 2022, 12:31
Hat sich bedankt: 24 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 16 Mal

Re: HCS-Voice-Attacktools hilfreich


MEGASALE ist vorbei.
Aber 16 Schiffstimmen sollten reichen!!!
See you

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